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Title Presentation type Surname (author 1) Country Date Start time Venuesort ascending
Developing Sustainable AMI Collection Policies at the New York Public Library spoken paper Hiam UNITED STATES 27 Sept Sunday 1 430 Belvedere 2
Challenges of Teaching Sound Studies that Include Preservation Issues in Malaysia spoken paper Musib MALAYSIA 27 Sept Sunday 930 Belvedere 1
MediaConch: An open source audiovisual file conformance checker spoken paper Blewer FRANCE 27 Sept Sunday 1 200 Belvedere 1
Performance of Analog-to-Digital Converters for Sound: Methods and Metrics spoken paper Murray UNITED STATES 27 Sept Sunday 1 200 Belvedere 1
The Studs Terkel Radio Archive: Take it easy, but take it... to new places spoken paper Schein UNITED STATES 27 Sept Sunday 1 530 Belvedere 1
Re-Wired: The Obsolescence of Wire Recordings in Audio Archiving spoken paper Salosaari FINLAND 27 Sept Sunday 1 530 Belvedere 1
My Space, Your Space, ColorSpace spoken paper Blood UNITED STATES 1 Oct Thursday 1 430 Salle 70
Sound is half the movie: the preservation of ¼” final mix soundtracks spoken paper Rowe NEW ZEALAND 1 Oct Thursday 1 530 Salle 70
Evaluating Your Digital Archive: Using ISO 16363 As A Self-Assessment Planning Tool spoken paper Lyons UNITED STATES 1 Oct Thursday 1 600 Salle 70
Handling and Storage of Audio and Video Carriers (IASA-TC 05) workshop/tutorial Schüller AUSTRIA 28 Sept Monday 1 430 Salle 70
Born to die? Selection policies and digitisation as common concerns spoken paper Valberg NORWAY 30 Sept Wednesday 930 Salle 70
More for all - increasing capacity and capability in audio digitsation at NFSA spoken paper Garrett AUSTRALIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 000 Salle 70
Presentation of DLPprofession, a storage concept using standard hardware and Free software spoken paper Lewetz AUSTRIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 030 Salle 70
Les archives militaires des témoignages oraux : enjeux et défis spoken paper Choron FRANCE 30 Sept Wednesday 1 130 Salle 70
Saving South-African heritage : Rivonia trials original dictabelts digitizing spoken paper Amouroux FRANCE 30 Sept Wednesday 1 200 Salle 70
Helping Each Other Go Digital spoken paper Kitchens GERMANY 30 Sept Wednesday 1 230 Salle 70
Correcting Media Files to standard compliance for long term preservation spoken paper Houpert GERMANY 30 Sept Wednesday 1 430 Salle 70
Securing audio transfer spoken paper Gabler AUSTRIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 500 Salle 70
Quality assurance of VTR transfers - ISR and HF traces spoken paper Gabler AUSTRIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 530 Salle 70
Selection workshop/tutorial Pellizzari SWITZERLAND 28 Sept Monday 1 630 Salle 70
