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Title Presentation type Surname (author 1) Countrysort descending Date Start time Venue
Hungarian National Sound Archives. Past, Present and Future – Efforts, Problems and Plans spoken paper Szabo HUNGARY 27 Sept Sunday 930 Belvedere 2
Acquisition, preservation and access: Unique Gramophone Museum & Records Archive in Kerala, India poster Kunnelpurayidom INDIA
A long awaited bridge: Constructing Indian musical notation archives for world audience poster Roy INDIA
Organizing Knowledge obtained from Indian Gramophone Discs poster Chandvankar INDIA
From Granny to Google: digital transmission in the world of Irish traditional music spoken paper Toland IRELAND 1 Oct Thursday 1 200 Grand Auditorium
Sources orales et innovation numérique: l’histoire orale de la construction européenne sur spoken paper Klein LUXEMBOURG 28 Sept Monday 1 530 Grand Auditorium
Challenges of Teaching Sound Studies that Include Preservation Issues in Malaysia spoken paper Musib MALAYSIA 27 Sept Sunday 930 Belvedere 1
Sustainability, a key aspect for building digital sound archives in Latin America poster Rodríguez MEXICO
Advocacy for Publishing Sound and Moving Image Content Online panel session Verbruggen NETHERLANDS 29 Sept Tuesday 1 200 Grand Auditorium
Sound is half the movie: the preservation of ¼” final mix soundtracks spoken paper Rowe NEW ZEALAND 1 Oct Thursday 1 530 Salle 70
Securing future access to audio-visual contents
- A European consortium’s response to preservation challenges spoken paper Brudeli NORWAY 30 Sept Wednesday 1 630 Grand Auditorium
Born to die? Selection policies and digitisation as common concerns spoken paper Valberg NORWAY 30 Sept Wednesday 930 Salle 70
More for all - increasing capacity and capability in audio digitsation at NFSA spoken paper Garrett AUSTRALIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 000 Salle 70
New Technology, New-Old Issues: Adventures in creating, using, delivering and archiving a digital oral history collection spoken paper Bradley AUSTRALIA 28 Sept Monday 1 730 Grand Auditorium
Legacy collections: valuable but are they accessible spoken paper Koch AUSTRALIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 700 Grand Auditorium
Presentation of DLPprofession, a storage concept using standard hardware and Free software spoken paper Lewetz AUSTRIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 030 Salle 70
Securing audio transfer spoken paper Gabler AUSTRIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 500 Salle 70
Quality assurance of VTR transfers - ISR and HF traces spoken paper Gabler AUSTRIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 530 Salle 70
One for All: Permanent Refreshment for Acetate Media spoken paper Wallaszkovits AUSTRIA 30 Sept Wednesday 1 630 Salle 70
Sound Workshop for Technicians workshop/tutorial Wallaszkovits AUSTRIA 30 Sept Wednesday 930 Commissions 4
